Un Rêve Nu netlabel birth

un reve nu

hola dudes

Un Rêve Nu netlabel is born with 7 new releases with: Mathieu Calléja (perc) / Gilles Vignes (“e. garden”) / Miguel A. Garcia (el) / Nicolas Talbot (cb) / Mathieu Werchowski (vl) / Mathias Pontevia (dr) / Daunik Lazro (ts) / / Latitude 22,50: Erwan Lamer (dr, vc, snds) / Walkind Rodriguez (tp, maracas, danse / Sébastien Cirotteau (tp) / David Audinet (tb) / Salamy Nitryv (perc) / Benjamin Duboc (db) / Jonathan Fenez (turntbl.) / Philippe Gomez (analog synth, vc) / Guillaume Gargaud (e. gt)

You can get all there http://unrevenu.fr/netlabel/

enjoy and share

