SVIN haven‚t been wasting their time since the debut album „Heimat‰ from 2011 and their 2nd album „Secretly We are Gay‰ from 2014. With numerous European tours and prestige festival-shows, SVIN has made a name for themselves on the international scene of experimental music and harvested top reviews in national as well as international media.
Their new self-titled album was released April 3rd 2015 on PonyRec. Through massive drums, oriental guitars and melodic horns SVIN sends cascades of psychedelic drones out in the atmosphere. This, their third album features simple, poetic melodies swept in alternating primitive sonic textures. The diverse nature of the album is a reflection of the hardworking process, SVIN has been through in the last couple of years.
„The music is magic ˜ a repeating motif of clanging, chiming guitars and pounding percussion, punctuated by even more compulsive rhythmic patterns and the seething flow of poisonous riffs.‰-No Clean Singing (USA)
„The new album ŒSvin‚ sees the band offering up a phenomenal and unrelenting barrage of psychedelic experimental music, bordering the lines of post-rock and experimental jazz. Svin demonstrate wonderful musical technique on their latest effort, one that excites and sometimes confounds in oddly enjoyable ways.‰-The CD Critic (UK) ?????
Canned Fits Liveprogramm ist schwer in deine Schublade zu pressen:
Irgendwie eingängige Experimentalmusik? Sehr sperriger Pop? Oder ist es gar anspruchsvolles Alleinunterhalterinnenprogramm für die Avantgardehochzeit, wo man IDM tanzt?
Canned Fit ist beeinflusst vom Singer/Songwriting, elektronischer Tanzmusik, Garagenpunk, Neuer Musik, Experimenteller Elektronik und Kaufhauspop – vorallem aber von dem ständigen Klang der Welt rundum und ihrer Menschen.
Circuit-Bending, motorisierte Dosen, klingende Ofenrohre, Metall, Glas, Tonscherben, Stein sowie mechanische und elektronische Konstruktionen sind ebenso Bestandteil der Klangästhetik wie Drones, Feedbacks, vertrackte Beats und Stimme.
” Another female artist making ripples is Austrian installation artist Christine Schörkhuber, known for recording purposes as Canned Fit. Her latest album on pan y rosas discos is a prime example of the type of vocal album ACL does cover, in that the lyrics take a back seat to the music and manner of delivery. This is the sort of shot in the arm that could revolutionize the airwaves, if only anyone would listen. Cucharas de arena is an intelligent, experimental set, marked by questions of how a lyric should be delivered, as well as why. While less accessible than Golden Disko Ship, Canned Fit still leaves the windows open for listeners to come in. The whispery, percussive „circling in a square‰ makes a memorable impression, as do the horse trots, footsteps and deep breaths of „rosia montana.‰ By the time the bass checks in, the listener is mesmerized. When metal sheets and sand can be used as percussion, who needs drums?”
Richard Allen, A closer Listen, Review Jan 2015 //
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21.5.2015 – 21:00 CET