Ung Nordisk Musik (UNM) – CALL FOR WORKS 2016

Ung Nordisk Musik (UNM)

Finnish Call for Works – Deadline: December 15, 2015!

Ung Nordisk Musik is a festival for young composers, sound artists and performance artists based in any of the Nordic countries. We are seeking seven participants to represent Finland in Aarhus next year.

UNM 2016 takes place in Aarhus, and celebrates, with the theme “Togetherness”, the festival’s 70th anniversary and the uniqueness of the Nordic fellowship.

In the Finnish call for works, seven participants get selected to have one of their works performed at the festival. The selected participants are provided with travel and accommodation for the duration of the festival. Alongside the concerts, the festival program includes lectures and masterclasses. An important part of the festival experience is the opportunity to network and meet with other Nordic colleagues.

There is no stylistic criteria. Experimental / Instrumental / Electronic / Installation / Multimedia / Performance-based works will all be taken into consideration.

A special, and rare, opportunity this year is the UNM Orchestra; a collaboration between Aarhus Sinfonietta, The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, and the Danish National Academy of Music, Odense. We are therefore especially seeking works for orchestra.

A jury chosen by composer Sami Klemola will chose the participating works anonymously. The jury will be kept secret until the selection is made public in January. The decision of the jury is final.

The application form along with all the separate attachments must be sent by 15th December 2015. Late entries and entries failing to meet the requirements listed below will not be considered by the jury.
Who can apply?

Seven composers/sound artists will be chose to represent Finland at the festival. Applicants born on or after 15.12.1985 as well as those that are registered, full-time students on 15.12.2015 and who don’t already have a master’s degree in music are eligible to apply. The applicants must either have Finnish nationality or be legal residents of Finland.

Applicants can apply to represent only one country per year even if they meet the application criteria in several countries. In these cases, applicant can choose in which country they want to apply. If someone applies in several countries, all of their applications will be disqualified.

One can participate to UNM five times at most.
How to apply?

You can apply with a score for any instrumental combination, such as orchestra, sinfonietta, choir, chamber ensemble or solo works. You can also apply with a piece for fixed media (tape), or with a piece that involves live-electronics, or with a performance-based work, or with some other kind of concept not mentioned here. UNM Aarhus has confirmed that there will be a symphony orchestra. We therefore warmly recommend you to send in pieces for orchestra.

You may apply with two works at most, although only one will be selected to the festival. If a piece has to be withdrawn due to practical reasons, another piece by the applicant may be performed if it was successful according to the jury. Same pseudonym should be used if several works are submitted.

This year’s Finnish call for score is entirely electronically organised. However, you may still apply this year with hard copies of your score and possible recording if you wish (see instructions below).

Fill in the application form here.
Send all attachments (score, recordings, video) primarily through the server wetransfer to unmfinland(a)gmail.com. No attachment may read the artists real name in any form. All attachments are to be named so that both the applicants pseudonym and the real name of the submitted work are clearly visible.


Notated score
Send the score as a pdf. If the piece itself includes a sound-file, it must be included (see ’fixed media’).
’Fixed media’ work
Send a stereo-soundfile (mp3, aiff, wav). If the work is multi-channel, or other non-standard setup, include a technical description as a pdf-attachment.
Include a written description of the performance techniques and include attachments (sound, image, video etc.) that will help the jury to assess the work.

Remember to erase all metadata from the sound files. Instructions to erase metadata can be found here: Mac / PC

Please be in touch with the UNM Finland board members Dante and Lauri, with any questions regarding the online form, sending attachments or if the above file formats are not suitable for the assessment of your submission. The board members do not participate in the selection and will gladly help you through the application process. Please don’t leave your questions to the last minute, however: be in touch well before the deadline.
APPLICATION THROUGH POST (only in exceptional cases)

If you want to send your application through post as hard copies, please be first in touch with the UNM Finland board members. Please note that the applicants details must in any case be sent through the online application form!

The following rules apply only to the postal application. The works are sent in four (4) copies. If the work is notated, the score needs to be bound so that the jury can deal with them. (Binds, stitches or tape will do, no paper clips! Unbound scores will be disqualified). Submissions are anonymous, marked with a pseudonym. Only the real title of the piece and the pseudonym should appear on the score. The audio part of works that include audio tracks should be sent on CD, provided with all necessary information needed for performance (set-up, possible score etc.). If you wish, you may also include recordings of your submitted works. CD:s must also be sent in four (4) copies.

Applications should be sent to the UNM agent by December 15th 2015. Applications with a Finnish postmark on the deadline date will be accepted. Applications sent from abroad should arrive by the deadline date. It is forbidden to send applications via registered mail. Please send applications to:

Sami Klemola / UNM 2016
c/o Suomen Säveltäjät
Urho Kekkosen katu 2 C
00100 Helsinki

The applicant commits to sending all information again electronically to the festival organisers if they get chosen. Only the version of the submitted work selected by the jury will be performed at the festival.

The Finnish UNM board members Lauri and Dante will gladly answer to any queries you may have regarding the application and the festival.

Good luck!
Best regards,
Dante Thelestam and Lauri Supponen
