The Goethe-Institut London and SPACE are pleased to announce the invitation for applications from practitioners working with sound, sonic experience and experimental music within the context of emerging technologies and digital networked culture.
Now in its third year, the collaboration between the Goethe-Institut London and SPACE supports artists and projects that explore the critical application of emerging technologies. The purpose of the Goethe-Institut’s worldwide residency programmes is to provide a “space for new perspectives”, wherein artists and cultural workers have the opportunity to live and work in another country and another culture for an extended period of time. Especially in the era of globalization, cultural workers find it particularly inspiring, freed momentarily from economic concerns, to anchor their work to a specific location, where they can pursue their projects and develop or deepen lasting work relationships.
The residency offers a 3 month place in a large mixed studio at The White Building in Hackney Wick, London and complimentary nearby accommodation. The White Building, run by SPACE, is an incubator for discursive and innovative thought, it serves as a testing ground and creative lab for artists and creative technologists whose practice critically engages with technology. Situated in the heart of the thriving artist community of Hackney Wick and next to the Olympic Park, The White Building is a thriving local and international beacon of art, technology and sustainability.
The bursary offers financial and in-kind support with the help of expert partners from the science, technology and creative sector. Projects will be presented to the public at the end of the residency in the form of prototypes, documentation, beta-releases, events and exhibitions.
The focus is on process over product and the residency aims to provide space and time for fearless experimentation.
Areas of Interest
The Goethe-Institut London and SPACE are looking for a wide spectrum of approaches to the sonic field, including sound as installation, experimental musical improvisations, remix and sample compositions, sound sculptures and live performances. We are particularly interested in proposals that take a critical, analytical stance towards the tensions between art and technology and questions these categories in and of themselves. We welcome applications that are presented outside the traditional studio space – conceptual projects and those that reside online or in other virtual spaces, or in other geographic locations.
Evaluation Criteria
The Goethe-Institut London and SPACE will review all applications and recommend projects to their respective advisory panel comprising representatives from a number of related fields and disciplines.
We are particularly interested in critical analysis, exploratory projects and proposals that leave space for collaboration. In addition, preference will be given to projects that are publically accessible, consistent with SPACE’s mission, and produce models, prototypes, and user data that can be shared broadly.
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Is the project creatively – led?
– Does the project take a critical/analytical stance towards emergent technologies?
– Does the process described by the applicant include opportunities to present demos, prototypes, work in progress or collaborative opportunities for the public during development?
Terms and Conditions:
Applicants must demonstrate strong links within the German cultural scene and should be based in Germany, there is however no requirement for the applicant to be a German national to qualify for the residency.
The awarding of the grant may require meetings with applicants (potentially via video-conferencing systems) to discuss their proposals and establish detailed agreements. All applicants will be required to execute a definitive agreement with the Goethe-Institut London and SPACE which will set forth appropriate agreements with respect to the scope, duration of the project, required milestones, amount and timing of funding etc.
Application Deadline: 10am on Monday 16 February 2015
How to apply:
Applicants must submit the following:
– 1 x Proposal for new project or production to be developed or completed during the residency period (max 2 x pages of A4)
– 1 x Artist CV
– 1 x Statement of intent describing what you seek to gain from the residency
– Examples of previous work (max 8 images; max 4 video links; max 1 PDF)
– Full contact details (including telephone, mobile number and residency address)
Please note that all applications are to be submitted via
Equal Opps form is available to download here.
This information is also available to download here.
The Goethe-Institut London and SPACE
Perlin Noise – Sound Art Residency 2015
Open Call
Information for applicants
Stipend: £1500 per month plus £500 production fee