multumult – ZIGZAG



“Never did them sirens ensnare sailors through beauty, but through the splendor of their song. Neither the sturdiness of the mast he tied his body to nor the beeswax thrust in his ears shielded Ulysses from bewitchment; only his inner voice, constantly whispering Ithaca, did.

Wandering awhile through the labyrinth of exile, home we’ve returned at last. Upon our way was learned that music is but sound. Color, that is.”
released December 1, 2015

MULTUMULT is a band based in Bucharest, Romania, whose objective is to produce music on stage, as a highly improvisational exercise. ZIGZAG, recorded in early 2015 at the Traian 150 Studio, is their first release. It was improvised / performed by:

C?lin Torsan – clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor recorder, fluier, voice
Victor Podeanu – electric guitar
Andrei Kivu – electric cello
Juan Carlos Negretti – drums

sound engineer: Costin Dumitrache
mastering: moody alien
