well folks, we’re getting very close. out next regular edition is show #500! and we have some celebrations planned for the rest of the year. first, of course, the show itself, which will be the first of a run featuring new and unheard works contributed by a group of the artists who have helped to make framework what it is. these works will then be released on the latest project by framework editions, framework500, harking back to the 4-disc release we made to celebrate our 250th show in 2009, framework250. for framework500 we have invited artists from framework250 back (the first time we have repeated artists in our release history) to contribute again to a new celebratory release. this time we have three discs, again in special origami packaging, with works by jeph jerman, asmus tietchens, peter cusack, dallas simpson, phill niblock, felicity ford, eamon sprod, richard garet, jonathan colecough, loren chasse, and 18 more! this release will again be available only through framework radio, in exchange for your generous donations. stay tuned for images and track details very soon!
framework radio #498: 2015.02.08
meanwhile some great sounds in this show. long extracts from a the immense 4-cd project by éric la casa and jean-luc guionnet entitled home : handover, which involved interpreting and reinterpreting domestic spaces through documentation, discussion and, performance. also, another beautiful handmade release from the omnimemento label, a recent work by michael northam and hitoshi kojo’s kodama project (kodama and jean-luc guionnet also feature onframework500). first appearances on the program by french artist jehanne thibault and mexican artist yair lópez, whose cd release we featured is also available for free download from his bandcamp page (link below). and another selection of recent favorites from the aporee soundmaps, as chosen by aporee users.
[time / artist / track / album / label]
00:00 – 03:28 / martin clarke / framework introduction, recorded in india
02:18 – 14:26 / or poeisis / nocturnal, rain / kyoto, japan / aporee soundmaps
06:06 – 16:45 / kodama / archaea / phxa / omnimemento
http://www.omnimemento.com/kodama, http://www.omnimemento.com
12:09 – 22:10 / éric la casa & jean-luc guionnet / ii.4 – synthesis / home : handover / potlach
http://ericlacasa.info, http://www.jeanlucguionnet.eu, http://www.potlatch.fr
18:28 – 27:13 / carlo patrão / santa cruz sports field / são nova, portugal / aporee soundmaps
https://zeppelinruc.wordpress.com, http://aporee.org/maps/?loc=27030
21:07 – 30:56 / yair lópez / [title track] / paisaje sonoro del malecón de puerto vallarta / [self-release]
http://www.yairlopez.info, http://yairlopez.bandcamp.com
24:57 – 36:53 / jehanne thibault / le réveil / eskifjörður / kaon
http://thibaultjehanne.fr, http://www.kaon.org
33:17 – 45:28 / kodama / photon / phxa / omnimemento
http://www.omnimemento.com/kodama, http://www.omnimemento.com
36:39 – 41:52 / henrik schroeder / town hall, citizen center / berlin, germany / aporee soundmaps
40:55 – 51:39 / éric la casa & jean-luc guionnet / iii.4 – synthesis / home : handover / potlach
http://ericlacasa.info, http://www.jeanlucguionnet.eu, http://www.potlatch.fr
42:01 – 54:13 / jehanne thibault / le naufrage / eskifjörður / kaon
http://thibaultjehanne.fr, http://www.kaon.org
46:42 – 54:56 / yair lópez / cooperativa de pescadores / paisaje sonoro del malecón de puerto vallarta / [self-release]
http://www.yairlopez.info, http://yairlopez.bandcamp.com
53:10 – 57:00 / flavien gillié / under the bridge / anderlecht, belgium / aporee soundmaps /
http://www.soundisall.net, http://aporee.org/maps/?loc=27080