5 days of sonic exploration, February 18 – 22, 2015
Wed Feb 18th
Delia Derbyshire -uk
Daphne Oram -uk
The pulsating and dazzling work of two British pioneers of electronic music are showcased alongside a newly restored version of Hans Boye and Anand Sorabhai’s short film DNA in Reflection with sound by Roberto Gerhard.
Thu Feb 19th
Isnaj Dui -uk
Sultry neo-impressionist flutes are blended with homemade dulcimers and gritty earthen electronics in Isnaj Dui’s music. Her work is a unique take on ambient soundscapes with effortless melodic style.
Ben Potts -uk
Fri Feb 20th
Kasper T Toeplitz -pl
Kasper Toeplitz presents a live set using his custom BassComputer instrument
weaving gossamer threads of delicate noise with dense feedback.
Diego Castro -cl
Aaron Cassidy -us
late night:
Algorave hosted by
Julio d’Escriván -vz
Yaxu -uk
Norah Lorway -ca
Shelly Knotts -uk
Sick Lincoln -uk
Sat Feb 21st
Radek Rudnicki -pl
Laurent Segretier -fr
Two dazzling audio-visual
sets from Segretier’s immersive glitch-scapes to
Rudnicki’s hyper-active
digital works.
Sun Feb 22nd
Robert Henke -de
The electro and software guru presents a live version of Dust an immersive work that explores slow, seemingly static sonic material shredded into myriads of microscopic particles.
Olivier Pasquet -fr