Cintas K – Message in a Bottle (Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre 2015)



Retrospective Album.
Text: Povilas Vaitkevi?ius :
Gintas K is the stage name of Gintas Kraptavi?ius (b. 1969), a Lithuanian sound artist and creator of experimental electronic music, who has also worked in performance art, installations and interdisciplinary arts. His early experiments were based on action art and a post-Fluxus aesthetic. During the 1990s, he was the leader of Modus, one of the first electronic industrial music projects in Lithuania. Recently, Gintas K has been immersed in the exploration of sound structures, in addition to taking part in different cultural events and releasing records both in Lithuania and abroad.
Since 1999, he has been known mainly as a solo performer of electroacoustic music, although the term on its own is probably too restricting to describe his compositions, which employ sound solutions attributable to a wider range of definitions, some of which can be heard on this CD. In addition to various sounds from the environment, the aesthetic of synthetic computer-generated music is also evident. It can be felt in the granulated structures of his pieces, in the points of microsound suspended in tension, and in the combinations of sonority of digital nature. Sometimes they even become tonal, and are wafted by the flow of ephemeral melodics, to create a space charged with emotion. The term ‘ambient music’ seems cautiously appropriate in such cases, although the ‘climate’ does not contribute to a thoroughly elegiac atmosphere. The harmony remains extremely restrained, as changes in the form are much more important here. The soft tones gradually assume jagged and even abrasive forms, while the sounds isolated by spacious pauses arrive at boiling point, with their particles vibrating. The combinations of sonority mentioned, together with sounds from the environment, generate a perception of distance in Gintas K’s music, to evoke associations of finding oneself at an indistinct but conceivable point in space. His compositions occasionally include rhythmic structures too, with features reminiscent of minimal/post-techno. They and other elements bring forward low frequencies, to be experienced through the human body (which become objects of exploration in their own right in his other compositions); and they highlight the attention he pays to the physical aspects of the sound and its mass.
The pieces on the CD Message in a Bottle create a panorama of Gintas K’s oeuvre, spanning the entire decade, dotted with all the genre-related features described here. Nevertheless, the last part of the picture is the listener’s private experience, which expands as s/he unrolls the sound message from the bottle.

Gintas K (Gintas Kraptavi?ius, g. 1969) – Lietuvos garso menininkas ir eksperimentin?s elektronin?s muzikos k?r?jas, taip pat veikiantis performans?, instaliacij? bei tarpdisciplininio meno srityse. Ankstyvajai jo k?rybai b?dinga akcionistin?, post-fluxus estetika. XX a. 10-ame dešimtmetyje jis buvo „Modus“ – vieno pirm?j? elektronin?s industrin?s muzikos projekt? Lietuvoje – lyderis. Šiuo metu Gintas K aktyviai tyrin?ja garso strukt?ras, dalyvauja ?vairiuose renginiuose ir leidžia ?rašus Lietuvoje bei užsienyje.
Nuo 1999 met? Gintas K susitelk? ? solin? k?ryb?, kuri? apibr?žti galima pasirinkus elektroakustikos termin?, ta?iau ? j? ?sprausti menininko muzik? b?t? netikslinga, nes jis naudojasi platesnei apib?dinim? skalei priskirtinais garsiniais sprendimais (tai galima gird?ti šiame CD esan?iuose k?riniuose). Greta ?vairi? aplinkos ?raš? garsyn?, ne mažiau ryški ir sintetin?s kompiuterin?s muzikos estetika. Ji jau?iama granuliuotose k?rini? strukt?rose, ?tampoje pakibusiuose microsound taškuose ar skaitmenin?s kilm?s garsyn? derm?se. Kai kada šie netgi tampa tonal?s ir yra plukdomi efemeriškos melodikos t?kme, taip kuriant emocin? erdv?. Tokiais atvejais galima b?t? atsargiai pavartoti ir ambientin?s muzikos apibr?žim?, nors min?tas „klimatas“ ir nesukuria itin elegiškos atmosferos. Harmonija išlieka itin nuosaiki, daug svarbesni ?ia yra pa?ios formos kitimai. Minkšti tonai pamažu ?gauna šerpetotas, netgi abrazyvias formas, o erdviomis pauz?mis izoliuoti garsai užverda iki tankaus daleli? jud?jimo. Atstumo nuojaut? Ginto K muzikoje generuoja ne tik min?tosios derm?s, bet ir aplinkos garsai, iššaukiantys buvimo neapibr?žtame (bet nusp?jamame) erdv?s taške asociacijas. Retkar?iais menininko kompozicijose išnyra ir ritmin?s strukt?ros, savo bruožais ver?ian?ios prisiminti minimal / post-techno apib?dinimus. Jose (ir ne tik) pasireiškiantys žemi, k?nu juntami dažniai, kurie kit? k?rini? atvejais tyrin?jami patys savaime, nurodo d?mes? ir fiziniams garso ar jo mas?s aspektams.
Šiame CD „Message in a Bottle“ girdimi k?riniai sukuria Ginto K k?rybin? dešimtmet? pristatan?i? panoram?, kuri nusmaigstyta visomis aukš?iau min?tomis žanrin?mis gair?mis. Vis d?lto, paskutin? sudedamoji dalis ?ia – privati klausytojo patirtis, išple?iama vyniojant garsin? žinut? iš butelio.
released November 2, 2015

Music: Gintas K
Vykdomoji prodiuser? | Executive producer: Gail? Grici?t?
Dizainas ir maketavimas | Design and layout: Šar?nas Joneikis
Tekstas | Text: Povilas Vaitkevi?ius
Vertimas | Translation: Darius Krasauskas
Angl? kalbos redagavimas | English language proofreading: Joseph Everatt

Sudarytojas ir leid?jas | Compiled and released: MIC (Lietuvos muzikos informacijos centras/Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre)
R?m?jas | Supported by: LKT (Lietuvos kult?ros taryba)
MICL partneris | MICL partner: LKS (Lietuvos kompozitori? s?junga/Lithuanian Composers Union)
Asociacija LATGA