The 5th edition of the BunB conference will be held from May 9 to 11 of 2016 in Manizales, Colombia. It will be produced by the Department of Visual Design of the University of Caldas, with support of the International Image Festival.
Balance-Unbalance is seeking for papers, transdisciplinary workshops, artistic activities and exhibitions, posters and panels considering to propose, analyze and discuss specific projects and actions that could help us to face the serious environmental crisis. BunB 2016 is also open to host a diversity of virtual components allowing global accessibility and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of a major international conference.
The official language of the event will be English but Spanish submissions are accepted. Keynotes and paper (oral) presentations in Spanish will be -simultaneously- translated to English. Workshops won’t be translated.
New deadline for submissions:
October 31, 2015 (midnight, Colombia’s time)
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2015
All submissions received until the first deadline (October 10) will be reviewed immediately. This will give more time to those participants who needs to request travel grants and financial support to attend the conference
Submission categories:
(there is only one template for all categories; you should adapt it as indicated)
Papers (4-8 pages)
Posters (2-3 pages)
Panels (2-3 pages)
Artistic works (2-3 pages)
Be sure to indicate the title of your project; if you are proposing a live performance, a presentation using fixed-media support or a work to be exhibited; duration, if it applies; a full detailed description of your technical needs, including what will you be providing and what are you expecting the organisation to provide; links to your online CV and your web site; and 3 links to online samples of your previously created artistic work, hosted in a non-expiring URL – please, DO NOT send your material using wetransfer or any similar application, and DO NOT send your reference material by email – only submit the links with your submission.
Transdisciplinary workshops (2-3 pages)
Transdisciplinary workshops is an open format area of the conference to propose any kind of transdisciplinary activities up to a maximum duration of 90 minutes.
Virtual projects (2-3 pages)
Virtual projects such as websites, interactive installations and transdisciplinary documentation related to the theme of the conference will be considered for inclusion in our virtual program and onsite virtual showcase. Successful artists may be required to participate in a Skype forum (or interaction using another online platform) during the virtual projects showcase.
In addition, a selection from accepted papers will be invited to publish in the Leonardo journal under a special section devoted to Balance-Unbalance.
Submissions will be only accepted via EasyChair ( Templates for submissions are available for downloading here. Please, make sure you select the correct submission category (paper, poster, panel, artistic work, transdisciplinary workshop, or virtual project). Submissions will be peer-reviewed. All submissions in Spanish must also include an abstract in English.
Send only proposals oriented to the goal of this conference. Only clearly focused works to that end will be considered.
Please note that Balance-Unbalance is not able to provide funding support for travel or lodging, or fees for the presentations.