Line Katcho works in the fields of acousmatic music, audio visual work and film music. Her primary concerns involve using sound as kinetic matter, representing movement, forces and gestures. Her need for precision is complemented by an experimental approach and a strong interest in perceptual play. She is the artistic director of Soundwich concerts, which aim at bringing together emerging artists from the electroacoustic music scene of Montreal. Her work has been presented in festivals worldwide such as in Chile, Portugal, Ireland and England. She was attributed the first prize of the 2014 contest JTTP (Jeux de Temps/Times Play) and is currently pursuing her studies at the Conservatoire de musique de Montreal in electroacoustic composition.
Aiguillage [Switches & Crossings]
This work bases itself on the engineering, the mechanics, the forces and physical energies underlying the operation of roller coasters. Circuits of long serpentine paths are triggered by a single initial state, the origin of unfolding activity that replenishes and renews itself within itself.
This piece is a study on movement. An explicit parallel with parkour stages sound matter in motion through it’s own path, bypassing obstacles freely. Reflecting Rube Goldberg’s machines, gestures are triggered following labyrinths of perpetual chain reactions.
This piece develops in five stages
Hatching – Lamentations – Duality – Ascension – Singularity.
Catastrophe variations, mass movements, oscillatory behaviours.
Composed exclusively from instrumental sound sources (flute, cello, trumpet) this work gets its inspiration from murmurations of starlings to create contrast between a fraction and it’s unit.
Sweet rumbles
Roulements progressifs, textures bruités, filtrages fréquentiels.
Progressive rumbles, noise textures, frequency filtering.
Attitude microscopique du geste, de la densité et du développement du discours.
Microscopic attitude of gestures, density and development.