a few fine releases from the great helen scarsdale agency this week, along with some seasonal explorations by atilio doreste, location explorations by yannick dauby, vocal explorations by blackhumour, and spelling explorations byubeboet (hah!). all began with another great intro by regular contributor jeremy hegge, so dense it’s hard to believe it was all happening in one place.
meanwhile, framework HQ is abuzz with activity this week, with cdrs being burnt, sleeves being folded, stamps being stamped, and slips being glued. that’s right, framework500 is READY! we are very excited with the outcome, and we hope you will be too. there are only around 10 of the early adopters packs left, even though we just announced it’s official release yesterday, so don’t delay any longer – order yours now, snatch up one of the last batches of extras, and yours will be zipping through the post to you by the end of the week! use the paypal buttons on the right to donate 40€ (or more) for your copy!
lots more info on the release page here.
[time / artist / track / album / label]
00:00 – 06:32 / jeremy hegge / framework introduction, recorded in australia
05:17 – 18:33 / atilio doreste / respiro / solsticio / barrilete cosmico
http://atiliodoreste.net, http://www.barriletecosmico.org
08:53 – 23:23 / yannick dauby / lignite / vescagne, salèse / kalerne
http://www.yannickdauby.net, http://www.kalerne.net
13:16 – 27:27 / sigtryggur berg sigmarsson / late night arrival / so long / helen scarsdale agency
http://www.helenscarsdale.com/siggi, http://www.helenscarsdale.com
18:11 – 23:22 / blackhumour / arbitrary / selected pieces / noise-below
18:11 – 25:21 / jim haynes / alizarin / scarlet / helen scarsdale agency
http://www.helenscarsdale.com/haynes, http://www.helenscarsdale.com
23:49 – 36:49 / ubeboet / eaden / haereo / mystery sea
http://www.con-v.org/ube, http://www.mysterysea.net
27:52 – 37:50 / blackhumour / incantatory / selected pieces / noise-below
31:46 – 41:30 / sigtryggur berg sigmarsson / eight hour delay / so long / helen scarsdale agency
http://www.helenscarsdale.com/siggi, http://helenscarsdale.com
38:35 – 46:07 / atilio doreste / trama / solsticio / barrilete cosmico
http://atiliodoreste.net, http://www.barriletecosmico.org
41:30 – 54:26 / jim haynes / racine to vermillion / scarlet / helen scarsdale agency
http://www.helenscarsdale.com/haynes, http://www.helenscarsdale.com
44:41 – 57:00 / yannick dauby / caïre archas / vescagne, salèse / kalerne
http://www.yannickdauby.net, http://www.kalerne.net
49:39 – 57:00 / ubeboet / sanatorium rose / haereo / mystery sea
http://www.con-v.org/ube, http://www.mysterysea.net