Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with Free/Libre and Open Source technologies in artistic practice. It is organized in Bergen, Norway, and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies, free culture & art.
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For the exhibition and other parts of the program we currently seek projects in the following categories:
1. Installations
Projects to be included in the exhibitions.
The works must be realized by the use of free and open source technologies.
For Piksel15 we specially encourage projects in the field of DIY BIOart and renewable/sustainable technologies to apply.
2. Audiovisual performance
Live art realized by the use of free software and/or open/DIY hardware.
3. Presentations
Innovative DIY/open hardware and audiovisual software tools or software art released under a free/open license. (Also includes presentations of artistic projects realized using free/open technologies.)
For Piksel15 we specially encourage projects in the field of DIY BIOart and renewable/sustainable technologies to apply.
4. Workshops
Hands on workshops utilizing free software and/or open/DIY hardware for artistic use. For Piksel15 we specially encourage projects in the field of DIY BIOart and renewable/sustainable technologies to apply.
5. PikselSavers
Video and software art based on the screensaver format – short audiovisual (non)narratives made for endless looping. Possible thematic fields includes but are not limited to: sustainable resource allocation, renewable technologies, energy harvesting, fair trade hardware, free content, open access, open data, DIY economy, shared development.
The works must be realized by the use of free/open source technologies.
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!!!!!!!!!! Deadline – june 30. 2015 !!!!!!!!!!
Please use the online submit form at:
or send documentation material – preferably as a URL to online documentation with images/video to piksel15 (AT) piksel.no
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Piksel15 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, PNEK and others.
more info: www.piksel.no
Author Guidelines
The process is as follows:
1. Go to ‘Call for Projects‘ in the right menu, scroll to the bottom and click ‘STEP ONE OF THE SUBMISSION PROCESS‘
1. Log in or register as a new user and choose ‘Author’ as account type to be able to submit proposals.
2. Make sure your bio is up to date. It can be edited under the My Profile link.
3. Choose [new submission] on the right side to start the project registration. (Alternatively click on the ‘author’ link and then on ‘step one of the submission process’ in the next page.
3. Register relevant info and the project description as an abstract. It should include links to online documentation of the project and specific info on the software/hardware used to realise the work.
4. In the next step you can upload additional documentation material. Please add technical riders and promo images here.
5. Click through the ‘confirmation’ step to make sure your proposal has been registered correctly.
Start here to submit a paper to this festival.