Musicworks’ 2015 Contests Now Open!

Musicworks’ 2015 Electronic Music Composition and “Sonic Geography” Writing contests are now open to receive entries from anywhere in the world! Musicworks is Canada’s only magazine that explores experimental music. Its two annual juried contests spotlight new literary and musical talent, offering cash prizes and opportunities to be published and heard. Prize details, criteria and entry forms online at:

ELECTRONIC MUSIC Composition Contest: Submit a 10-minute piece in one of the following genres: electroacoustic, acousmatic, glitch, turntable art, or video music. Accepted file types: mp3 or mp4 only.

“SONIC GEOGRAPHY” Writing Contest: Have you visited a place with a unique sound space? Can you describe the sound of a location in a unique way? Choose any location—urban or rural, indoors or outside, cacophonous or mysteriously quiet—and describe how sound shapes your experience in 500 words. Accepted file types: PDF only.

$30 entry fee includes a free 1-year Musicworks magazine subscription. Unlimited entries ($5 each).


MW 2015 Contests