Down The Royal Road : A Dreamlands Commission by Radio Arts

Down The Royal Road : A Dreamlands Commission by Radio Arts

Down the Royal Road is my new radio piece commissioned byRadio Arts (UK) as part of a series of works for radio on the theme of “Dreamlands“. Freud described dreams as the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious – a pathway to the essence of wishes and desires of the human mind. This radio piece presents an intimate portrait of a group of dreamers trying to salvage information from their dreams by recalling transformative dream experiences. Also, a group of five psychotherapists share their views on dreams and how they can be helpful in the clinical practice to gain a deeper understanding of the patient. Dream debris, free association, and dream theory float through the ether of radio waves, exploring the concept of newness in dreams and the bridge between the unconscious and waking life.

Here’s a small excerpt:

In order of appearance:
Dreamers: Pierre Faa, Tiago Saga, Helena Espvall, David Monteiro and Derek Moench.

PsychotherapistsDr. Angel MorganDr. Conceição AlmeidaDr. Clara SoaresDr. António Pazo Pires and Dr. Miguel Estrada.

Music by Helena Espvall, Cello & Electronics

Special thanks to Erica Buettner and Zed Boulé.

Duration: 00:28:00

Down The Royal Road also played at  Bergen’s Borealis Festival and Radiophreniaa temporary art radio station – a week-long exploration into current trends in sound and transmission arts – broadcasting live from Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts.